HELENUS is organized in nine work packages, including six technical work packages (WP2-WP7), and one each for project management (WP1), future analysis (WP8), and dissemination (WP9).
- WP1, led by DLR, involves all activities related to project management, technical and work package coordination, administrative processes, and grant management.
- WP2, led by Alma Clean Power, broadly focuses on SOFC system development, and covers all activities around design, procurement, development, testing, evaluation in view of certification, and delivery of the SOFC system.
- WP3, led by TU Delft, will generate models and control algorithms to optimize the dynamic behaviour of the SOFC and its operation within a hybrid maritime energy system, as well as enable fuel-flexibility of the SOFC system with renewable fuels
- WP4, led by DLR, will focus on laboratory demonstration and validation of a scaled-down SOFC module, as well as the developed control algorithms in WP3, (i) transiently over maritime duty cycles, and (ii) with renewable fuels.
- WP5, led by Chanters de l’Atlantique will focus on the ship integration of the SOFC module and ship demonstration. WP5 will include all activities pertaining to (i) design, optimization and implementation of the cogeneration system, (ii) spatial, electrical, and thermal integration of the SOFC, (iii) evaluation in view of ship certification with an SOFC energy system, and (iv) field testing.
- WP6, led by IHC, will carry out application case analyses for three vessel types, determining the impact of present and future SOFC designs, and present and future maritime fuels, on ship design and performance.
- WP7, led by BALance Technology Consulting, will perform lifecycle analysis of several viable maritime fuels, provide forecasts of the availability and pricing of alternate fuels, and run techno-economic analyses of selected fuels with various technological solutions.
- WP8, led by BALance Technology Consulting, will analyse the system scale-up, roadmap for future market uptake, future research needs, regulatory needs, and deliver political recommendations
- WP9, led by DLR, includes all project dissemination, exploitation, and communication activities, including journal publications, conference presentations, news article publications, website development, and social media engagement.